This pages covers all aspects of housing, homelessness, affordable housing, gentrification, housing policy, neighborhoods, integration in housing, housing discrimination, Minneapolis social movements around housing like Occupy Homes, Renters for Justice, the Tenants Union and the campaign to cancel rent.
Artika Tyner
Law Professor, Community Justice Advocate, and Children's Author/Publisher with a Pan-African Lens
Gilberto Vázquez Valle (1958-2021)
Radio Host Built Solidarity Through Encuentro with Latin American Folk Music
Angela Conley
Hennepin County Commissioner Learned to Solve "Unsolvable Problems" by Listening to Survivors
Jane Burnett
St. Louis Park Girl Radicalized in 70s Chicago, Organizes at Ford Plant, St. Olaf Alumni
Judy Cooper Lyle
From North Dakota Farmer's Union to Urban Spectrum Theatre -- Committed to Community.
Philli Irvin (Steven Johnson)
How He Got to Now: The Creative Influences of a North Minneapolis Community Artist
Daniel Alberto Perez
For School Social Worker; Labor, & Immigrant Rights Organizer, Three North American Nations are Home
Susana De Leon
From Torreón to Minneapolis: Immigration Attorney and Kalpulli Ketzal Coatlicue Dancer
Alice A. Anderson (1932-2017)
Born On the MN/Canadian Border. Beautiful Activist of South Minneapolis
Drew Edwards
6th Grade Teacher Struggled in School. He Pushes and Turns the Stone in North Minneapolis
Phillipe Cunningham
Minneapolis City Council Member Draws on Experiences of Marginalization as a Black Trans Man to Reimagine Public Safety
Charmaine Bell
Educator & Family Advocate Uses Multiple Consciousnesses to Envision Structural Change
David Lawrence Grant
Boyhood at Howard University, with Stars like Toni Morrison, Learned to Write Things That Matter
Patrick Scully
Patrick's Cabaret Founder Lives Authentic Artist Life While Elevating Minneapolis Art Scene
Marcie Rendon
Fought Criminal Injustice with American Indian Movement, became Indigenous Mystery Writer
Nick Shillingford
Listen to Nurses, Build Coalitions, Create Socialist Alternatives to Mainstream News