Filiberto Nolasco Gomez

Chicano Reporter from LA, Centers Marginalized Workers

Ricardo Levins Morales

Puerto Rican Social Justice Artist Organizes to Win

April Knutson

Former Leader of MN CP Continues to Build United Fronts

Bruce Nestor

From Immigrant Meat Packers to RNC and Standing Rock: The People's Lawyer

Susana De Leon

From Torreón to Minneapolis: Immigration Attorney and Kalpulli Ketzal Coatlicue Dancer

Jess Sundin

Police Justice and Anti-War Activist: The People Are My Mountains

Tom O’Connell

Our Minneapolis Revolution: 1930s, 1970s, & Today.

Jane Burnett

St. Louis Park Girl Radicalized in 70s Chicago, Organizes at Ford Plant, St. Olaf Alumni

Jerry Rau

Vietnam Veteran Against War becomes Sidewalk Troubadour

Teresa Ortiz

Mexico Ctiy Student Activist 1968, Becomes Latinx Advocate on Lake Street

Gilberto Vázquez Valle (1958-2021)

Radio Host Built Solidarity Through Encuentro with Latin American Folk Music